Wall Restoration- West Arichat, NS
Monday, April 24th, 2023 by Shay Riley
Wes came to the experts with a major job, but nothing we couldn't handle. The stone foundation was bowing in, major water seepage, and uneven floors. Our team went in and suggested Everbrace Wall Restoration system to handle this project
- Install top track / Blocking 7” out from the most deflected part of bowed in wall.
- Excavate footings as designated by engineer for EverBrace post. This hole will be 2’x2’x2’
- Cleanspace wall to add vapor barrier between spray foam and existing foundation
- Stand the galvanized EverBrace posts up. Attach to top track
- Fill in footings with concrete to allow concrete to cure with posts embedded within.
- Install Panels. Fasten to inside of Posts
- Ensure all seams are secured with self-taping screws and windows and other obstructions are trimmed out
- Drill injector port holes for spray foam to be installed
- Spray foam
- clean u
Project Summary
Foreman: Pat Johns
Sales Specialist: Dylan Riley