
WHY WAIT TO FIX your basement until you are trying to sell


price reducedWe receive a number of calls on a regular basis from homeowners that need to have their basement repaired because they are selling their home. Their inspection revealed problems (that they knew all along).

No one wants to buy a home with a WET Basement, NASTY Crawl Space, or Foundation PROBLEM. It is difficult enough to find a buyer who wants your house, and heart breaking when they walk away after looking at your basement. There is simply no hiding your basement issue when you sell your home. And if you do disclose your basement problem, either nobody will buy, or they will make a low offer.

We work with these homeowners to Fix and Solve their basement problem so they can sell their home. More and more homeowners are realizing the value in fixing their basement problem today. A number of these homeowners know that they will eventually sell and decide to FIX IT NOW so they can live with a Healthy Basement in the mean time.

From our experience:
• the problem doesn't go away.
• the problem usually gets worse over time.
• the problem usually cost more in the long run if left unattended.

The Moral of the Story: Fixing your basement is a lot cheaper than not fixing your basement problem.

our service area

We serve the following areas

Nova ScotiaNew Brunswick Our Locations:

Ridgeback Basement Systems
30 Simmonds Drive Unit LP
Dartmouth, NS B3B1R3
Service Area
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